
Prompt of the Day

Captain Whiskers

A dashing feline pirate in a velvet waistcoat, surrounded by the trappings of a seafaring life. Confident, refined, and brimming with a spirit of adventure. Captain Whiskers, a dapper feline pirate captain, sits in a plush armchair, his black fur gleaming under a gas lamp. A monocle perches on his eye, and a mischievous smile plays on his lips.

A dashing feline pirate in a velvet waistcoat, surrounded by the trappings of a seafaring life. Confident, refined, and brimming with a spirit of adventure. Captain Whiskers, a dapper feline pirate captain, sits in a plush armchair, his black fur gleaming under a gas lamp. A monocle perches on his eye, and a mischievous smile plays on his lips.

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